She taught me that a sentence was organic with bones and sinews and for this reason had life, that the power of logic was passionate power and that Euclid and Grammar were one. 并教导我,一个句子是有机的一体,有血有肉,因而其中存在生命;她认为,逻辑的力量是热切而激昂的;几何美感与语法句式应浑然一体。
The propositional structure is a new perspective of researching sentence meaning, and the approach to it should be based on the combination of syntax, semantics, logic and text linguistics. 命题结构是句子语义研究中的一个新的视角,须结合句法学、语义学、逻辑学、篇章语言学等理论进行交叉分析。
Hoey defines clause relation as a cognitive process in which people choose grammar, vocabulary and tone to generate sentences and sentence groups according to adjacent clause and clause group, including logic sequence relations and matching relations. Hoey将语义单位关系定为人们根据相邻句子或句群选择语法、词汇和语调来生成句子或句群的认识过程,并将它分为两大类:逻辑顺序关系和匹配关系。
On the Dissimilation of the Death Sentence with Two-year Suspension of Execution Political Parlance and Logic of Legal Theory: Review on System of Death Sentence with a Reprieve 论死刑缓期两年执行制度的异化政治话语与法理逻辑&对我国死缓制度的反思
The logic analysis of anti-reality hypothesis compound sentence is to reveal its hidden logic thinking modalities which are different reasoning, counterevidence and figurative reasoning. 对反事实假设复句的逻辑分析就是要揭示出它所蕴涵的逻辑思维形式,即差异推理(求异法)、反证法和比喻推理。
Just like English sentences which are composed of different sentence components in certain subordinate relation, English paragraphs and texts are also composed of different sentences according to some logic. 正如英语中的句子是由不同的句子成分以一定的附属关系组合而成一样,英语中的段落也是由不同的句子以一定的关系组合而成的。
The system of death sentence with a reprieve prescribed in 1979 Criminal Law had severe problems in theory and logic, and resulted in disjunction and broken of literary meaning of legislation, criminal policy and judicial practice. 1979年刑法对于死缓制度的规定在法理与逻辑上均存在严重问题,从而造成立法文意、刑事政策与司法实践的脱节与断裂。
It becomes the semantic base of classical logic and the extensive application and practice of sentence centralization expressed by the first order language in scientific area; at the same time, the definition itself is a mirror of analyzing conception by applying the first order logic. 其定义既成为经典逻辑的语义学基础,广泛应用与能用一阶语言所表达的科学领域中的句子集中,同时定义本身也是运用一阶逻辑对概念进行分析的典范。
From the perspective of sentence structure of Chinese and English, the former attaches importance to parataxis, while the latter values on hypotaxis; the former focuses on logic in sentence meaning, while the latter pays attention to conjunction in grammar. 从汉语和英语的句法结构上讲,前者重意合而后者重形和;前者重语义逻辑而后者语法关联。
In the behavior description uses the advancement sentence; In the RTL description uses the concurrent sentence. The structure description mainly uses the transfer bottom level design module, supports the large-scale design logic decomposition; Combines these modelling method to become the mix description. 行为描述中采用进程语句;RTL描述中采用并发语句;结构描述主要采用调用底层次设计模块,支持大型设计逻辑分解;组合这些建模方法就成为混合描述。
Secondly, I mainly analyze and compare the discrepancy of Chinese and English sentence order from the angle of different logic models of Chinese and English nationalities. 第一,主要从汉英民族思维模式的不同引发的汉语句子语序的差异进行比较分析。第二、从语言形态的角度来看汉英语序的差异。
As one of the characteristics of medical English, long sentences have complex sentence structures as well as complicated logic so that it is hard for us to understand and translate these long sentences. 并且作为医学英语的一大特点,长句结构比较复杂,内在逻辑性强,对于我们理解和翻译而言,难度相当大。